(740) 852-1149
5.0 stars | 27 reviews
A Family Of Row Starters
Request an Agronomic Consultation
Tri-Ag|3520 Old Springfield Road, London, OH 43140|(740) 852-1149


Get ready to achieve maximum yields with our top-of-the line row starters, specially formulated for varying types of soils. Our family of row starters includes Vitaliz Silver, Vitaliz Gold, Jumpstart, Kickstart Plus, Energiz Bolt, and Energiz Spark.

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The High Yield Starter for Your Best Acres!

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VITALIZ Gold™, the premier in-furrow YieldStarter for your best acres, continues to evolve as new technologies emerge. This latest evolution of VITALIZ Gold™ brings exciting new changes to push the limits of yield while increasing convenience and maintaining the low use rate!

VITALIZ Gold™ increases yields due to the unique delivery system and a proprietary mix of readily available ingredients!

  • Orthophosphate is 100% plant available.
  • Potassium Acetate is the most soluble form of potassium, 111% more soluble than potassium hydroxide!
  • NanoBond™ NanoLiquid™ Technology increases yield and ROI!
  • Hormone technology increases crop vigor!
  • SugarKick™ provides a food source for soil biology, reducing the carbon penalty and mitigating early-season crop stress.

RATE: 3-4 gal./A.

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The Tough Ground Specialist

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VITALIZ Silver™, the premier in-furrow YieldStarter for your toughest acres, continues to evolve as new technologies emerge. This latest evolution of VITALIZ Silver™ brings exciting new changes to maximize the yield potential of tough clays while increasing convenience by reducing tank mixing.

VITALIZ Silver™ increases yields due to the unique delivery system and a proprietary mix of readily available ingredients!

  • Orthophosphate is 100% plant available.
  • Potassium Acetate is the most soluble form of potassium.
  • NanoBond™ NanoLiquid™ Technology increases yield and ROI!
  • Fulvic Acid, Zinc, and Sulfur are the trifectas for the tougher acre!
  • SugarKick™ and Biostimulants mitigate early-season crop stress while providing a food source for soil biology.

RATE: 3-4 gal./A.

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NEW FOR 2024!

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NEW! Energiz Bolt™ provides an "shockingly" great value for the dollar spent! The ingredients in Bolt make it more than able to work across all soil types, providing the key nutrients that the majority of our acres need.

Energiz Bolt™ was created for the grower who feels like their fields have too much variability to place a starter product or the yield potential does not quite justify a VITALIZ Brand Product.

  • The balanced ortho/poly blend of phosphate provides BOTH 100% available P as well as time-released P for availability later on.
  • Fulvic Acid is recognized by the plant and helps to penetrate and translocate the nutrients in Bolt™ throughout the plant.
  • The Seaweed extract in Bolt provides an available food source for soil biology, speeding up residue decomposition and the subsequent nutrient release needed by the young corn seedling. It also provides tremendous stress mitigation properties.
  • Energiz Bolt™ provides a tremendous value for the dollar spent!

RATE: 3-5 gal./A.

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NEW FOR 2024!

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NEW! Energiz Spark™ is a great way to “Spark” your journey with in-furrow plant nutrition. If you have recently added in-furrow to your planter and you are wanting to simply “light the Spark” of exploration into what benefits today’s in-furrow products can hold for you, Spark may just be your beginning point.


  • Energiz Spark™ can be a very cost-effective source of plant nutrition to get your corn off to a uniform start
  • Energiz Spark™ can also serve as the carrier for other in-furrow options that have been proven to increase plant stands, yields, and return on investment (i.e.: Ethos XB, SugarKick™, Xyway fungicide, NanoBond™, among others.

RATE: 3-5 gal./A.

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The Premier Soybean Yield Starter

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JumpStart SB™ is Tri-Ag’s proprietary soybean yield starter blend. It includes N-P-K, a blend of micronutrients, an all-natural season-long biostimulant, an inoculant, and nearly 30 beneficial microorganisms.

This proprietary blend was selected to “JumpStart” the early-season activity of the soybean’s nodules. Molybdenum and sulfur coupled with plant hormone growth-stimulating microbes will influence increased nodule activity. JumpStart SB will improve root mass and depth and improve both nutrient release and uptake.

APPLICATION: 2x2 or 2x2x2
RATE: 5 Gal./A with 5-10 Gal of 28%

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Yield Starter

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KickStart Plus™ continues to provide the ultimate in convenience for the grower with 2x2 or 2x2x2 on the planter. Are you looking for a complete row starter that provides more benefits than 10-34-0 alone? Young corn plants need more than Nitrogen and Phosphorus supplied by 10-34-0. If you are looking for more, look no further than KickStart Plus™!


  • PHOSPHORUS - More available (P) phosphorus than 10-34-0
    • KickStart Plus™ contains 20% more available P than 10-34-0
  • POTASSIUM - Corn plants from emergence through V4, require 11% of their total Potassium (K)
    • KickStart Plus™ contains potassium acetate to help build early-season disease resistance while helping to meet the early-season K requirement.
  • SULFUR - Corn plants from emergence through V4, require 10% of their total Sulfur (S)
    • KickStart Plus™ contains Sulfur. Sulfur + Nitrogen + Potassium produce proteins essential for crop growth.

APPLICATION: KickStart Plus™ can be applied with or without UAN in a 2x2 or 2x2x2 starter placement. KickStart Plus™ cannot be used in-furrow.

RATE: The rate will vary based on your personal situation. 2X2 or 2x2x2 ONLY at rates of 2-5 gallons/acre, with or without UAN.


Service Area

Serving the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, North Carolina, & Pennsylvania areas.

Business Hours

Our team is available by appointment on Saturdays, weather dependent.


Our Reviews

5.0 stars | 27 reviews
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