(740) 852-1149
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Tri-Ag|3520 Old Springfield Road, London, OH 43140|(740) 852-1149

A Family of Nanoparticle Products

What Is Nano Technology?

A silica nanoparticle is a microscopic particle, slightly larger than a virus, that attracts nutrients or other active ingredients to itself, loading the particle both inside and out with large numbers of these molecules.

What Does It Do?

When mixed directly into a nutrient or other active ingredients that you desire to enhance the performance of, nanoparticles precisely deliver nutrient or other active ingredients into the plant more efficiently.

How Does Nanoliquid™ Technology Improve Update?

Most crop inputs are absorbed via:

→ Diffusion
→ Active-Transport

Nanoliquid® technology makes an additional mechanism possible.

Endocytosis - a mechanism cells use to rapidly absorb loaded nanoparticles i.e. “Trojan Horse.”

Why Use It?

Nano technology enables better uptake of active ingredients. This leads to enhanced control, faster visible results and improved yields. It can be used with starter fertilizers, sidedress nitrogen, herbicides, foliar nutritionals, fungicides and insecticides. Any active ingredient that you want a higher ROI from, nano technology can enhance performance and yield benefit.

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NanoBond™ 4Z


NanoBond™ 4Z is a low-use rate nanoparticle to be added directly into liquid fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.


NanoBond 4Z enables better uptake of active ingredients. This leads to enhanced control, faster visible results, and improved yields.


NanoBond™ is unlike anything we’ve used before in agriculture and therefore, requires a different mixing methodology for use. NanoBond™ 4Z should be mixed directly into the product that you desire to enhance the performance of. It is not listed in a specific mixing order because it should not be mixed into a tank mix. It should be mixed “directly” into the ingredient itself. Example: Mix the recommended rate directly into a tote of fungicide or a tank of 28%.

RATE: 4-6 oz./A. If you have 2 or 3 products in a tank mix that you wish to improve the performance of, add 2 oz./A. of NanoBond 4Z directly into each of the 2-3 products.

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Nano Zn™

NEW FOR 2025!

Both soil Zinc (Zn) levels and plant Zn levels are on the decline throughout the Midwest. Zinc is a critical component to higher levels. To continue to push yields higher, Zn levels in the plant must be addressed. There’s no more efficient way to do that than protecting Zn’s identity with EDTA and teaming that combo up with nanoparticle technology!


Liquid EDTA Zinc plus NanoBond™ 4Z come together to create unparalleled efficiency in plant uptake and crop response and the convenience of the three products formulated together as one! Simply adding NanoBond™ 4Z into EDTA Zn will not create the same degree of enhanced plant uptake like formulating the three components together can. EDTA is designed to protect Zn’s identity. We must first load Zn onto nanoparticles and then EDTA to protect it. That is exactly what we have done with Nano Zn™!


Zn is vital to plant systems that “directly” relate to YIELD!

→ Throughout the lives of both corn and soybeans, Zn is a critical nutrient that activates enzyme reactions in the plants. It also stimulates root and shoot growth throughout the season and is vital for the all-important chlorophyll production.

NanoBond™ 4Z is included in the formulation!

→ Nanotechnology opens the pathway of endocytosis for Zn to get into the plant. Endocytosis is a mechanism cells use to rapidly absorb many “Zn loaded” nanoparticles all at once. Without NanoBond™, the plant cells would have to take up Zn through diffusion or ion transport, one molecule at a time.


Corn icon

Apply in a 2x2/2x2x2 application at a rate of 1-2 pts./A. Can be applied at side dress timing through a Y-Drop at 1-2 qts./A. Can be foliar applied with or without fungicide from pre-tassel to R3 at a rate of 1 qt./A.

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Nano B™

NEW FOR 2025!

Both soil Boron (B) levels and plant B levels are on the decline throughout the Midwest. Boron is a critical component to higher levels. To continue to push yields higher, B levels in the plant must be addressed. There’s no more efficient way to do that than teaming up B with nanoparticle technology!


Liquid Boron plus NanoBond™ 4Z come together to create unparalleled efficiency in plant uptake and crop response and the convenience of the two products formulated together as one!


B is vital to plant systems that “directly” relate to YIELD!

→ In Corn, B is critical for the pollination process, specifically silk elongation. It plays a vital role in grain fill and tip kernel retention.
→ In Soybeans, B is critical for flower and pod retention. We typically abort up to 65% of a soybean plant’s flowers in a given year. Retaining even a small percentage of those through increased B plant levels can have an enormous benefit to yield.

NanoBond™ 4Z is included in the formulation!

→ Nanotechnology opens the pathway of endocytosis for B to get into the plant. Endocytosis is a mechanism cells use to rapidly absorb many “B loaded” nanoparticles all at once. Without NanoBond, the plant cells would have to take up B through diffusion or ion transport, one molecule at a time.


Corn icon

Apply at Sidedress through middle of the row applications at a rate of 1-2 qts./A. Can be foliar applied with or without fungicide at V5 or from VT-R3 at a rate of 1 pt./A.

Soybean icon

To maximize flower retention, apply with Elevate™ at a rate of 8 oz.-12 oz./A. PodFiller™ may also be spiked with NanoB™ at a rate of 8 oz./A. to maximize pod
retention. If applying as a stand-alone product with or without herbicides in the vegetative stages of growth, apply at a rate of 1 pt./A.

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Nano Mn™

NEW FOR 2025!

For those whose soils are prone to Manganese (Mn) deficiency, a revolutionary new tool is at your disposal that is a game-changer in addressing Mn needs.


We have taken the best micronutrient chelation process, EDTA, and coupled that with the new revolutionary nanoparticle technology found in NanoBond™ 4Z, to create a liquid Manganese with unparalleled efficiency in plant uptake and crop response!


Necessary crop nutrient in key plant systems

→ Improves photosynthesis & respiration – Adequate Mn plant levels maximizes photosynthesis, including the plant’s ability to recover from daytime stressors through respiration at night.
→ Improves herbicide metabolism – Herbicides are necessary for high crop yields. However, plants do have to metabolize those chemistries. This needs to happen as quickly and efficiently as possible so the plant can get back to maximizing its growth rate. Mn deficient plants have a reduced ability to metabolize herbicides quickly.
→ Enzyme activation – Many plant growth processes are activated with Mn as a key part of that process.
Fields high in pH
→ Soil pH’s greater than 7.0 induce Mn deficiency

NanoBond 4Z is included in the formulation!

→ Nanotechnology opens the pathway of endocytosis for Mn to get into the plant. Endocytosis is a mechanism cells use to rapidly absorb many “Mn loaded” nanoparticles all at once. Without NanoBond, the plant cells would have to take up Mn through diffusion or ion transport, one molecule at a time.


Corn icon

Apply foliar at 1-2 pts./A. or banded in a 2x2/2x2x2 at 1-2 pts./A.

Soybean icon

Apply foliar at 1-2 pts./A. Use the higher rate for high pH induced deficiencies.

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Nano DryCoat™

NEW FOR 2025!

Nano DryCoat™ is a revolutionary dry fertilizer coating technology that improves the overall uptake of nutrients while increasing yields! Nano DryCoat™ can be easily sprayed onto dry granular fertilizers while blending and does not require the need for specialized application equipment.


Nano DryCoat™ is a sprayable coating applied to dry granular fertilizer. It utilizes multiple mechanisms to improve the overall uptake of nutrients. Built around a flexible biodegradable copolymer that disperses nutrients, the included nanoparticles then increase plant nutrient uptake through the process of endocytosis.


Increases crop yield!

→ Corn increases of 10-12 Bu./A.
→ Soybean increases of 4-6 Bu./A.

Provides a 3:1 ROI from enhanced yield and crop quality

Reduces 99% of dust in blending/manufacturing

Increases nutrient uptake and efficiency

Provides a similar level of reduced nitrogen volatilization as leading stabilized nitrogen products

Nano DryCoat™ solubilizes dry fertilizer faster than untreated

The coated dry fertilizer granules are less reactive with other elements in the soil, remaining in a “loaded” state, readily available for plant uptake

Once solubilized, the nutrients are loaded onto the nanoparticles which reduce environmental losses

Nano DryCoat™ improves the distribution of nutrients in the soil. When nutrients dissolve more evenly, new crops experience less salt toxicity and better establishment from greater distribution to existing root structures.


Nano DryCoat™ should be sprayed onto dry granular fertilizer as it is being blended at a rate of 108 oz./Ton.


→ Nano DryCoat uses a highly flexible and biodegradable coating technology. This allows Nano DryCoat to be applied to any size or shape of fertilizer particle without the need for specialized equipment.
→ The coating cures rapidly and does not require heat or conditions outside of normal operations to be applied.
→ Once applied, Nano DryCoat™ dissolves rapidly and does not remain encapsulated like plastic polycarbonate-urethan coatings (PCUs) or sulfur coated urea (SCU), and other coated fertilizer technologies.
→ Once dissolved, the nutrients are loaded onto the included nanoparticles which protects the nutrients from environmental losses while speeding up the time to plant entry.
→ A coating that opens up the process of endocytosis for plant cell entry is evolutionary and unlike other polymers on the market.


Service Area

Serving the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, North Carolina, & Pennsylvania areas.

Business Hours

Our team is available by appointment on Saturdays, weather dependent.


Our Reviews

5.0 stars | 12 reviews
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